The Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership (HSMP) will offer the opportunity for a limited number of partners/community organizations to set up an informational table at the HSMP Annual Meeting on September 26, 2024.
The HSMP Annual Meeting is an opportunity for participants to network, learn from public health experts and receive updates on coalition-wide business. The HSMP Annual Meeting features learning sessions from distinguished presenters on topics related to the four health priority issues in St. Mary’s County: Behavioral Health, Chronic Disease, Environmental Health, and Violence, Injury, and Trauma. This year’s theme is “Aging Well: Exploring Health & Resilience Through the Lifespan.” For more information on the HSMP Annual Meeting, please visit:
If your organization is interested in tabling the 2024 HSMP Annual meeting, please review the following information and complete the table application form by 12:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16, 2024.
Please Note: There will be no commercial sales allowed. Due to limited space, HSMP may not be able to accommodate all organizations that apply to table the event. If the number of applicants exceeds available space, the HSMP Steering Committee will make the final selection of organizations approved to table the event. Active partners and programs relevant to the work of the HSMP action teams to address health needs in St. Mary’s County will be given priority.
For questions or assistance please email
2024 HSMP Annual Meeting
Tabling Information
Important Dates
August 16, 2024 – Deadline to submit table application
September 6, 2024 – Applicants will receive an e-mail confirmation of their acceptance status
September 26, 2024 – 2023 HSMP Annual Meeting
General Information
- Commercial sales are prohibited.
- Active partners and programs relevant to the work of the HSMP action teams to address health needs in St. Mary’s County will be given priority.
- Tables will be set up in the same room as the speakers. All networking and tabling will take place during the Registration & Networking time at the beginning of the event (8:30 – 9:00 a.m.) and during the breaks in between speakers.
- All table applications will be reviewed and applicants will receive an email to confirm their acceptance status.
- If your organization is selected to table the event:
- You must be a registered attendee of the HSMP Annual Meeting.
- You will be pre-assigned a display area. A table will be provided.
- You must set up your table display between 8:00 – 8:30 a.m. on the day of the event.
- You are responsible for providing your own materials (tablecloth, display boards, promotional items, handouts, etc.). We will not have the ability to make extra copies on the day of the event.