Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Garden


Are you interested in supporting the development of Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Garden? Consider making a donation to St. Mary’s County CDC! Your donation will go towards the purchase of:

  • Garden supplies and tools
  • Toolshed
  • Mulch and top soil
  • Starter plants/seeds
  • Permits
  • Irrigation
  • Staffing
  • and more!

Businesses and individuals that donate $500 or more can earn tax credits equal to 50% of the value of the money, goods, or real property contribution. All donations are tax-deductible.

Benefits of a Community Garden

Community gardens encourage participants to share in the maintenance and products of a garden in a public open space, including fresh fruits and vegetables.

Community gardens offer many physical, environmental & mental health benefits, including:

  • Access to healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables at a low cost.
  • Opportunities for physical activity and skill building.
  • Creating green space and beautifying vacant lots.
  • Reviving and beautifying public parks.
  • Opportunities for skill-building and developing a rewarding hobby.
  • Decreasing violence in some neighborhoods.
  • Improving social well-being through strengthening social connections.
  • Opportunities for stress reduction and mindfulness.


The Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Garden receives support from its partners and community members!