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Behavioral Health

  • Public Group
  • 9 months, 3 weeks ago
  • 8


Health Improvement Strategy

Behavioral Health


To serve the behavioral health needs of St. Mary's County residents.

Strategy Description:

Improve behavioral health outcomes in St. Mary’s County, including those related to mental health and substance abuse prevention and control.

Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Behavioral Health

Data Category Tag:

Healthy St. Mary’s 2026 - Behavioral Health

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:


Potential Community Benefit:

Very High

Health Equity:

The Healthy St. Mary's Partnership advocates for a health in all policies approach within the community and encourages the use of an equity lens in planning and implementation of all programs and strategies.


Mental health and physical health are closely linked.  Mental health status influences a person’s ability to maintain good physical health.  Illnesses such as depression and anxiety may affect people’s ability to participate in health-promoting behaviors. Conversely, problems with physical health, such as chronic diseases, may impact mental health and decrease a person’s ability to participate in treatment and recovery.

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