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Violence, Injury, and Trauma

  • Public Group
  • 1 year, 4 months ago
  • 5


Health Improvement Strategy

Violence, Injury, and Trauma


Address and prevent violence, injury, and trauma in the St. Mary’s County community and among St. Mary’s County residents.

Strategy Description:

Coordinate community action around community violence, domestic violence, unintentional and intentional injuries, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the trauma associated with these factors which can affect a person’s health and well-being.

Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Violence, Injury, and Trauma

Data Category Tag:

Healthy St. Mary’s 2026 - Violence, Injury, and Trauma

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:


Potential Community Benefit:

Very High

Health Equity:

The Healthy St. Mary's Partnership advocates for a health in all policies approach within the community and encourages the use of an equity lens in planning and implementation of all programs and strategies.


Community violence, domestic violence, unintentional and intentional injuries, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), and the trauma associated with these factors can affect a person’s health and well-being. Interventions to prevent different types of violence, injury, and trauma are key to creating safe, healthy, and resilient communities.

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