Studies show a strong relationship between the physical and social environments of the workplace and the health behaviors of employees. Nearly half of most people’s waking hours are spent at work, and many of those hours are spent in meetings and conferences. Unfortunately, the foods and beverages available at meetings and conferences are often high in fat, added sugars, and sodium, and contain few fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Meetings and conferences also generally involve a lot of time sitting and provide little opportunity for physical activity — all of which reduces concentration, productivity, and energy levels.
In response, the partners of the Healthy Eating & Active Living (HEAL) action team are working to promote implementing healthy meeting standards within organizations in St. Mary’s County. The HEAL team has adapted this Healthy Meeting Toolkit to provide organizations with the tools to create a supportive environment that cultivates a culture of health and helps employees and members to eat well, be active, reduce use of tobacco products and exposure to harmful secondhand smoke, handle food safely, and protect the environment.

The Healthy Meeting Pledge
The undersigned organizations, institutions, and companies have pledged to adopt healthy meeting practices. They recognize that having healthy meetings, conferences, and events helps to create an environment that supports employees and members in their efforts to eat well and be physically active. They have taken the Healthy Meeting Pledge, has your organization?
- Southern Maryland Community Network, Inc
The Healthy Eating & Active Living Action Team is seeking catering companies that offer healthy menus or label healthy menu items for their clients to make making healthy choices easier to include as a resource with the Healthy Meeting Toolkit. If you are interested in being included in this resource, please fill out the form below: