Thank you to everyone who attended the 2017 HSMP Annual Meeting on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at the Southern Maryland Higher Education Center in California, MD.
With over 140 participants, the event was a great success!
Meeting Feedback & Evaluation Form
The Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for participants to network, learn from public health experts and receive updates on local health improvement efforts. The 2017 HSMP Annual Meeting included learning sessions from distinguished speakers on various topics related to the four priority health issues facing St. Mary’s County: Access to Care, Behavioral Health, Healthy Eating & Active Living and Tobacco Use & Exposure to Secondhand Smoke. Presentations from the 2017 Annual Meeting are available below for download & reference.
Registration Page (Closed) Call for Poster Abstracts (Closed) Meeting Schedule
Speakers & Session Topics
Click on the session title to download the presentation.
Opening Session: HSMP Updates
Stephen T. Michaels, M.D., is the chief operating and medical officer for MedStar St. Mary’s Hospital with direct responsibility for and oversight of the hospital’s day-to-day operations, as well as providing a comprehensive clinical vision and medical direction to ensure delivery of the highest quality healthcare services. Dr. Michaels currently serves as the Co-Chair of the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership. During this presentation, Dr. Michaels provided an overview of HSMP and an update on the achievements and work of the action teams over the past year.
Keynote Session: Nutrition and the Modern Mind
Captain Joseph R. Hibbeln, M.D., is a Clinical Investigator and Acting Chief of the Section of Nutritional Neurosciences for the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism at the National Institutes of Health. A psychiatrist and lipid biochemist by training, Dr Hibbeln is now one of the world’s leading experts on the importance of dietary fats for human brain development and function. The importance of proper nutrition is widely recognized as a primary prevention strategy for major illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes, yet it is rarely discussed in mental health. During this presentation, Captain Hibbeln shared the scientific case for and urgency of attention to the impact of diet on prevention of mental illness and substance abuse disorders.
Breakout Session: Building a Healthier Workforce
David Johnson, Vice President, Segal Consulting and Adjunct Professor, Towson University, discussed strategies employers can implement to boost profits through building a healthier, more productive workforce. Attendees learned practical tips to garner senior management support, create a healthier work environment, harness employees’ own intrinsic motivation to change and build sustained healthy habits. Using examples from high performing organizations, as well as research in behavior change, our speaker highlighted how employers can effectively transition from sporadic, activity-based programs to “cultures of health” which support ongoing health improvement – and generate improved financial performance.
Breakout Session: Strategies for Supporting Opportunity Youth
Laurel James, Executive Director of Tri-County Youth Services Bureau presented an overview of the state of Maryland’s strategic goal to improve outcomes for youth ages 16-24 who are not working and not in school, “Opportunity Youth”. This presentation included background data, information on activities to address this often ignored and hard-to-serve population were shared, and the role of local partners in meeting the needs of this population in St. Mary’s County.
Breakout Session: Engaging the Faith Community in Health Improvement Strategies
Faith-based organizations play a pivotal role in strengthening the social fabric of neighborhoods, mobilizing residents to address community issues, promoting volunteerism, and delivering direct services across a broad spectrum to address critical unmet human needs. Bishop Larry Lee Thomas, the pastor of the Empowering Believers Church in Glen Bernie, Maryland discussed the statewide Smoke Free Holy Ground initiative and strategies for engaging faith-based partners to create lasting change.
Plenary Session: Meet ALICE
Michael D. Bellis, Executive Director of the United Way in Charles County shared information on the United Way ALICE project. ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) is a ground-breaking report conducted throughout Maryland which highlights the daily struggle of the working poor. The ALICE report provides a framework for identifying the cost of living in our community and the number of affected families. This presentation focused on the data and outcomes in the report as well as ongoing and future ways to serve this population.
Poster Showcase
The Poster Showcase was an open session featuring visual presentations of recent program initiatives, research findings, and other information of interest and importance to the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership action teams. These visual presentations allow the author(s) to meet and speak informally with interested viewers, facilitating an exchange of ideas and networking.
Click on the poster titles below to view or download the poster presentations from the 2017 Showcase:
- Healthy Lifestyles with the St. Mary’s County Library
- An Examination of Arsenic Levels in St. Mary’s County
- Work of the Community Alcohol Coalition
- Recovery Support at Walden
- Transitional Age Youth Program at Pathways, Inc.
- Community Services Programs at Pathways, Inc.
- Asthma Control – What Really Works
- Narcan Training in St. Mary’s County
- Implementing Complete Streets in St. Mary’s County
- Action and Advocacy for Healthy Eating & Active Living
HSMP 2020 Data Update
Attendees were invited to participate in a lunch session where Dr. Edward Onyango, Epidemiologist for the St. Mary’s County Health Department reviewed and provided updates data for the measures that are included in the local health improvement plan, Healthy St. Mary’s 2020.
Afternoon Session: The Maryland Opioid Crisis
State of Maryland Update: Prevention & Response
Birch Barron, the Deputy Director of the Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center, works with the emergency management system to effectively and efficiently coordinate statewide efforts in combating the heroin and opioid crisis in Maryland. Mr. Barron presented information on the Maryland Opioid Operational Command Center and how the state of Maryland is working to combat the heroin and opioid epidemic.

Local Update: The Opioid Crisis in St. Mary’s
Meenakshi G. Brewster, M.D., MPH, serves as the Health Officer for St. Mary’s County and as Co-Chair of the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership. Dr. Brewster directs activities of the local health department and works with community partners to address population level health issues. Dr. Brewster provided a comprehensive update on local data and programs related to opioid misuse prevention and control in St. Mary’s County.
Question & Answer Session
After the presentations, attendees were offered the opportunity to ask questions of the presenters and key community partners about response efforts to the opioid epidemic. Thank you to the following panelists that participated in the Q&A Session:
- Birch Barron, Deputy Director, Opioid Operational Command Center
- Dr. Meenakshi G. Brewster, MPH, Health Officer for St. Mary’s County
- Dr. Kathleen O’Brien, Chief Executive Officer, Walden Behavioral Health
- Timothy K. Cameron, Sheriff for St. Mary’s County
- James Scott Smith, Superintendent, St. Mary’s County Public Schools
Training for Community Members: Overdose Response Program
The St. Mary’s County Health Department offered the Overdose Response Program for free to any interested attendees, directly following the presentations and Q&A session. The Overdose Response Program trains participants how to recognize and assist someone experiencing an opioid overdose when emergency medical services are not immediately available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to be a member of the Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership to attend this event?
No, anyone that is interested is welcome to attend the HSMP Annual Meeting! But if you would like to help create a healthier St. Mary’s County you can join HSMP for free by visiting:!
Is the conference schedule available?
The 2017 conference schedule is posted at the top of this page.
Will Continuing Education Units (CEUs) be provided?
Yes, our partners at the Department of Social Services will be coordinating CEUs for interested attendees. Attendees that met the requirements will receive their CEUs by mail. Please contact the St. Mary’s County Department of Social Services with any questions regarding the status of your CEUs.
Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?
No, printed tickets are not required but all attendees are asked to register so that we can be prepared with enough seating, handouts and refreshments.
Where can I contact the organizer with additional questions or suggestions?
The Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership would love to hear from you! Contact us at:
Healthy St. Mary’s Partnership
PO Box 316
Leonardtown, MD 20650
(301) 475 – 4323